So today I packed up my stuff at the Jane Hotel and moved "The Mansion" aka House of Our Redeemer (it will now be known as the "The Mansion", since my father thinks House of Our Redeemer sounds too C Street). I got there and the lady who is the manager (?) showed me around. The elevator is one of those that you have to open and shut the door (I hate those!), its the original elevator from 1907. It has no memory chip, which basically means that if you are going to the fourth floor (where my room is located) and someone presses the button on the 1st floor it changes direction and goes back to the 1st floor.
So I was like, "No problem I'll take the stairs". The lady was like "O.K", so we were already on the fourth floor and she showed me where the stairs were...I think the stairs from the fourth to the second floor were for servants only...let me tell you if I was a servant, I would have revolted! The stairs were twisty
turny w/ no hand rail on the left side and I had on my slippy black shoes. It was terrible! ...the stairs were different shapes and the stairwell was very narrow.So after managing to maneuver down it, I got to the door that opens to the second floor regular stairs and the doorknob isn't like a regular doorknob, its more like a drawer pull
embedded into the door and I am pulling and pulling, its not opening! I was thinking "There is no way I am going all the way up those stairs again." But then a guest came behind me and showed me that you have to twist and pull. After we got to the second floor I went into the chapel and said a prayer and then went to see the manager and told her I changed my mind about the elevator. She showed me how to work it again. So say a prayer.